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LBP2 Stuff

Something... interesting.

Archive: 3 posts
2015-03-07 21:56:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
I hope I put this thread in the right group, but going on to subject. I was browsing Playstation Store online earlier, and I found this...:

s-playstation-store" target="_blank">https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.c...aystation-store

Just in case you did not read the URL, it is a version of the Frozen pack for LBP3, for LBP2, Vita, and Karting. Just so you know, I do NOT like Frozen. Never have, never will. (and just so you know, doctors say I am one of the healthiest people they have ever seen! It is not a medical condition to not like Frozen.) There is only two differences: 1. it does not include the Toggle costumes, and 2. it has a creepy version of the Sven costume for OddSock, for Sackboy! Eek! There is not even a price difference! Tell me if you knew about this, or what you think below.
2015-03-07 21:56:00
Posts: 516

2015-03-16 16:20:00 / Author: Fox
Oh, yeah. I've heard of this. That Olaf costume is horrifying. Definitely would not but this. I'm sure that someone would, though. Did you know that they also released a Big Hero 6 DLC? Thinking about the movie, how would they name a sequel to it? Big Hero 6 2?
2015-03-16 16:20:00
Posts: 211

2015-03-16 22:49:00 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
Yes, I did know about the Big Hero 6 movie DLC, I have no idea what they would name a sequel of Big Hero 6, but I do not have much of an interest for Disney. But what I found shocking was this was a version of the Frozen costume pack for the previous LBP games, aside from LBP, and the Sven Sackboy costume... Ughughugh..
2015-03-16 22:49:00
Posts: 516
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