LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3


Archive: 17 threads
(PS3) Race to the Stars - please help3mini212018-03-03 14:28:28
Manglewood Quest help1D4RK_InFamous2017-09-17 16:10:57
I need one more trophy!8dinorap12016-05-31 04:35:54
Race for the stars help?!3Trayvargus2016-01-10 08:23:35
Race To the Stars [Manglewood] - Looking For Players!9sebrazafi102015-06-26 14:13:00
Manglewood Race to the Stars 4x Challenge [LBP3 PS3]1BoojiBoyTravis2015-05-04 20:19:00
LBP3 storymode sucks36Pit2015-01-12 01:25:00
Quest Progress Problems?1dinorap12015-01-10 18:35:00
"Dont go alone..." Trophy Help1dinorap12015-01-10 13:28:00
Help with entire story join here!4Lozotic2015-01-04 15:42:00
Anybody wanna help me in Manglewood Swamp? (LBP3, PS4)6dinorap12014-12-30 16:09:00
Im not really enjoying the hub level design.1Fox2014-12-28 19:37:00
Anyone up for doing the full storymode together?1Kewes182014-12-20 07:48:00
I need people for 2x levels and 4x levels1sinjin182014-12-19 12:17:00
Manglewood 4x players6blackfire6662014-12-05 15:21:00
The story is not bad, but the bugs of the game are awful.3Fox2014-11-29 13:42:00
LBP3 Summary3XZombieKing1999X2014-11-21 20:04:00
LittleBigForum Archive Statistics
Posts: 37945 • Threads: 4847 • Members: 3878  • Archive-Date: 2019-04-15


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