LittleBigPlanet 3
Newest Levels looping bug.
Archive: 8 posts
2014-12-29 09:40:00 / Author: Aye_Jaye13
When I'm browsing through the Newest levels page and I press "More..." It will load another page with the exact same levels as the one before. And if this is the same for everyone else playing lbp3 since there is no Lucky Dip or Cool Pages your level will probably get 1-40 plays in the short time it's one of the newest levels (unless it's a copied Five Nights at Freddy's level), which is bad news for creators who put alot of time and effort into their levels, plus it makes levels harder to find on lbp3 in general. So I'm wondering is Sumo Digital is aware of this and if so please fix it asap!
2014-12-29 09:40:00
Author:Aye_Jaye13 Posts: 76
2014-12-29 11:53:00 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
Yeah I noticed that too, hopefully they are aware and going to add at least a cool pages list.
2014-12-29 11:53:00
Author:SakuraLBPDragonX Posts: 569
2014-12-29 13:47:00 / Author: Fox
No, please, NO cool pages. Unless they've gained the sense to blacklist all of those copied levels there at Sumo Digital or MM or whatever. Who actually manages LBP3? Does StevenI? He was a pretty bad manager. I remember when he published an abysmal, old skateboarding level that was copied from someone else (I believe it was an LBP1 beta level) and MM Picked it himself. I left a critical review on there which rose to the top reviews and it got deleted, then I was banned for a day. I'm not kidding. He also never responded to requests for copied levels to be taken down, and allowed the moderation of actually innocent levels. One tiny copyrighted thing in your level, and it's going down. You're the freaking boss of LBP and you can't take down a few levels? What a corrupt twat.
2014-12-29 13:47:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2014-12-30 10:21:00 / Author: Jorge5879
i actually liked the cool pages, it always updated with new levels and you never got bored, now in lbp3 you have to play the same levels over and over
2014-12-30 10:21:00
Author:Jorge5879 Posts: 3
2014-12-30 18:48:00 / Author: Fox
@Jorge5879 Except the copied levels.
2014-12-30 18:48:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
2014-12-30 19:14:00 / Author: CodemanPSX
I hope Sumo fixes this and brings back the Recommend For Me page in the community along with just showing lbp3 levels by default on the most hearted/played pages.
2014-12-30 19:14:00
Author:CodemanPSX Posts: 42
2014-12-30 22:22:00 / Author: nerd_dog
it would be nice if people started using the new playlist feature. that's basically all they gave us and hardly anyone is using it.. in fact, I have a question for anyone that reads this. why aren't you using it?
2014-12-30 22:22:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2014-12-31 14:21:00 / Author: Fox
@nerd_dog TBH, I don't really use it since I'm too lazy to. A lot of people don't know about it, either, or don't care about it. That's Sumo's fault for not implementing tutorials into the game. I'm guessing that it's because the game is already pretty big and any videos would increase the size by at least 0.5 of a gigabyte. They should've at least added a component that connects to the website to view the online videos.
2014-12-31 14:21:00
Author:Fox Posts: 211
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