LittleBigPlanet 3
Z-Axis rotation?
Archive: 4 posts
2014-12-05 08:04:00 / Author: krokkoguy
Throughout the story-mode ive seen on countless occasions objects rotate 90 degrees to the next level. A window slamming in the wind or a block flip over in the acidy stomach of a giant creature.
How do i use this feature? |
2014-12-05 08:04:00
Author:krokkoguy ![]() Posts: 40
2014-12-05 09:25:00 / Author: Sound Friction
I think you can do this with the controllinator, but I don't have the game yet, so can't say for sure. :/
2014-12-05 09:25:00
Author:Sound Friction ![]() Posts: 437
2014-12-05 14:40:00 / Author: The_Dark_One
Rotator and layer push/pull?
2014-12-05 14:40:00
Author:The_Dark_One ![]() Posts: 19
2014-12-06 09:06:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
Decoration rotator: you can use a "direction splitter" to make it so you can chose when the "decoration rotator" rotates right or left, just by activating right or left of the "direction splitter"
BUT the "decoration rotator" has to be set to "speed scale" instead of "on and off" Or you can use the new sine wave tool... Thing In general: direction splitter is good for opening & closing doors And the sine wave would be good for windows blowing in the wind and stuff like that. |
2014-12-06 09:06:00
Author:JellyBellyScout ![]() Posts: 467
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