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LittleBigPlanet 3

LBP3 "is not" coming for ps3. Edit: Yes it is lol

Archive: 11 posts
2014-07-29 00:13:00 / Author: sayer6913
1. There is no pre-order on that has LBP3 for ps3. 2. I asked game stop they said ''no''. 3. Yes, there was a roomer that Amazone was selling it for ps3, but Amazone is just like Ebay. Some one may have been lieing saying they can, get a hold of it, and sell it to you. 4. Sony most likely would make it for ps4 only, so they would make twice the money. 5. Even if it was, were would you get it? NOTE: If you can proove it is for ps3 too, add a link to what ever site it says unless it not a site by sony. So, just to let you guys not get your hopes up.
2014-07-29 00:13:00
Posts: 181

2014-07-29 00:26:00 / Author: Empademic
Um, reason four is invalid. They would make at for both since PS3 has a large fanbase. Many people can't or won't buy the PS4 (I'm talking to you, non-believers of the creative spirit!) just for LBP3. They'd need to be convinced that there are some other games that would be valid. Also, the people who already have a PS4 would have spent quite a lot, so even if there are a few (there are many though), Sony gets more money. Okay, that was pretty confusing, I must admit
2014-07-29 00:26:00
Posts: 30

2014-07-29 00:39:00 / Author: CogMonkey
LBP3 "is" coming for PS3. Steven and ev have both confirmed it, and the beta is for both PS3 and PS4. The beta registration page states this. It's a Sony site.
2014-07-29 00:39:00
Posts: 12

2014-07-29 00:40:00 / Author: Empademic
, I think you meant "x Dev"
2014-07-29 00:40:00
Posts: 30

2014-07-29 05:22:00 / Author: FreddyFerrari
It is 100%coming for PS3 ! I don't can show you a proof when I am not allowed to

EDIT: here is the proof
2014-07-29 05:22:00
Posts: 853

2014-07-29 15:57:00 / Author: sayer6913
O, but how come we can't preorder it then? Also i was kinda wishing it would be ps4 only so the copiers couldn't afford buying 5 playsation 4's and boosting their copied levels on cool levels D:
2014-07-29 15:57:00
Posts: 181

2014-07-29 23:54:00 / Author: Empademic
We can't cos even though LBP3 is coming out for both consoles, Sony is trying to draw people into buying a PS4 so that they can preorder.
2014-07-29 23:54:00
Posts: 30

2014-07-30 00:14:00 / Author: Renefoetsie
Well, it's been confirmed multiple times by Sumo Digital, Steven Isbell and SonyX-Dev that it will come to PS3. Even the blog post with the pre-order bonusses show (see attachment) that LBP3 on PS3 is secured.
2014-07-30 00:14:00
Posts: 6

2014-07-31 09:41:00 / Author: ForcesWerwolf
yeah they confirmed it on pretty much everywhere.

i think its nice to have it on ps3 too, because of all the fans and money reasons, but i fear two things:
- you need to check if you build something very complicating which works on ps4 if it works on ps3 as well. which will lead the game to update the game with an option to make levels ps4 or ps3 only. and people who are seriously behind building genius stuff are forced to buy both to check if it works.
- the termo will not have the ps4 power, because you need to be backwards compatible.
2014-07-31 09:41:00
Posts: 8

2014-10-06 14:54:00 / Author: SackShadow
What about everything we all have spent so much time earning in the game? all the materials, costumes, stickers and the other unlocks? will those be available in LBP 3?
2014-10-06 14:54:00
Posts: 16

2014-10-06 23:33:00 / Author: RedPanda
They're working on it
2014-10-06 23:33:00
Posts: 293
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