LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
Flying carpet level update.
Archive: 1 posts
2015-06-23 13:43:00 / Author: Laxen333
The carpet now dissapears when the player dies, or respawn, not sure. The magic-disable gates also works perfectly. Just to be sure that everything works with four players i't would be nice if some people could help me to test it (Not a level just the technology). Since see so much potential for the mechanic and also a power-up that iv'e made, I would be really happy if somebody, one or more would like to help me build my level. The main focus of this level is going to be gameplay, not scenic, I want it to be FUN and CREATIVE. I dont want it to turn into a level full of unlogical swithes that you need to reach.
I hope you get the point, I feel really uninspired right now and I think I will scrap most of what I have created so far. Thanks on forehand for replying. Anyone? |
2015-06-23 13:43:00
Author:Laxen333 Posts: 27
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