LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
Working On A Two Player Game Need Help
Archive: 1 posts
2015-01-20 21:32:00 / Author: samuasp
Working on a 2 player based game like the eye of judgement, players will take it in turns to summon creatures to a field of 3x3 that can be used to attack the other players creatures, need help to design the creatures and spells that are going to be used and to also build a logic system that can switch the controls between the players, gives them energy at the start of their turn which is then used to activate the creature or spell cards, players win by controlling a certain ammount of squares on the board if you wanna help then just send me a psn message to blockbuster95 and if im not in university then ill send you a join request also have another project on the go called steam city of which the first 2 levels have been published so feel free to check them out, i will continue working on the steam city story once i have got this game published
2015-01-20 21:32:00
Author:samuasp Posts: 73
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