LittleBigPlanet 3
Music Tutorials Section
Archive: 2 posts
2015-05-23 03:07:00 / Author: SonOfSparda
I was browsing the lbp3 forum up and down, but i couldn't find any music seq tutorials. So maybe it's time to make a section, where you can post your awesome wisdom or ask someone for help!!
2015-05-23 03:07:00
Author:SonOfSparda Posts: 20
2015-05-23 12:57:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi SonOfSparda,
you're probably right, there are not many music sequencer tutorials around, though you could also try it in the LBP2 forums, cause there are not really differences between the music sequencers of LBP2 and LBP3. I've seen some videos on youtube, where the basic functions of the music sequencer are described, such things like how to give in notes, really the basics! I could imagine some tutorials in the way that one could watch a musician during the whole process of creating a tune, from the first ideas to the finished song! I know how I'm making my music, but it would be interesting to watch other musicians how they use the music sequencer! Such tutorials could find place in the LBFMusic forum. Many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2015-05-23 12:57:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
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