LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

DLC issue

Archive: 2 posts
2014-12-29 15:47:00 / Author: weedilly
I am only after buying Dragon Age: inquisition character pack, but it won't let me use them. I have tried re-downloading them but a message comes up saying "content not found". I have even bought more things of the store on LBP and they worked fine. Is there a way to fix this issue?
2014-12-29 15:47:00
Posts: 1

2014-12-30 05:56:00 / Author: Sound Friction
This is currently under maintenence. It wil be (hopefully) fixed in SumoDigital's upcoming patch. Please be patient.

Also, look in the forum before you create this topic, because this has been discussed a lot of times already. By the way, say something about your self here if you like: LittleBigForum Introduction

Have a nice day
2014-12-30 05:56:00
Sound Friction
Posts: 437
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