LittleBigPlanet 3
Hey Costume/Non-Paint Art makers, heres some good news for you!
Archive: 10 posts
2014-10-13 19:45:00 / Author: DragonRatTiger
We are all excited for 16 layers in LBP3, but this can be a huger advantage for Costume creators.
In LBP1/2, you only have 3 main layers, 4 thin layers, 2 two-block layers, and 1 three-block layer. This adds up to 10 layers of stickering. But you will not believe how much stickering you could do in LBP3 without layer problems! So there are 16 main layers in the game, then theres 17 thin layers. Then theres 15 two-block layers. Then theres 14 three-block layers. Then theres 13 four-block layers. Then theres 12 five-block layers. Then theres 11 six-block layers. Then theres 10 seven-block layers. Then theres 9 eight-block layers. Then theres 8 nine-block layers. Then theres 7 ten-block layers. Then theres 6 eleven-block layers. Then theres 5 twelve-block layers. Then theres 4 thirteen-block layers. Then theres 3 fourteen-block layers. Then theres 2 fifteen-block layers. Then theres 1 sixteen-block layer. All of these add up to a crazy total of... 153 Stickerable layers! Sounds insane, right? Its true, and its amazing too! You won't have a problem with 10 layers of stickering anymore. Its like having a mini-photoshop, and this can make Stickers even better with the Effects (Leaked in a LBP3 create mode video, not putting in due to Forum warnings) and the new Objects (same thing). The only problem is that it can make things cramped and little complicated, but the right cuts and seperation of Sticker Panel and objects can fix the entire issue! Good luck to Old and New Beta Testers, and good luck to US, EU, UK, and JPN players! |
2014-10-13 19:45:00
Author:DragonRatTiger Posts: 33
2014-10-14 07:23:00 / Author: nerd_dog
I don't really do art so.. i'm confused.. how would this help with stickering costumes?
I'm not trying to sound rude. I just don't get how that would help with costumes. |
2014-10-14 07:23:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2014-10-14 07:32:00 / Author: Woutery
Yeah it's cool for art... but how do you use this for costumes? Also, a lot of features from Vita have been ported over and so is the placement in layers - selecting a material and finetuning it's in/out position. This makes 20 extra layers for stickerpanel art, technically, and if you use them smartly you'll only need to use one of the 16 layers! You may want to add that in your post aswell.
2014-10-14 07:32:00
Author:Woutery Posts: 211
2014-10-14 12:23:00 / Author: -Crow
The front view option in creative mode is the best friend when trying to make stickers, with all of these new layers i'm sure detail can be enhanced a lot when it comes to details on things like shirts for costumes.
2014-10-14 12:23:00
Author:-Crow Posts: 7
2014-10-14 12:47:00 / Author: RedPanda
You don't have to use layers anymore! Not with the new sticker creator!
2014-10-14 12:47:00
Author:RedPanda Posts: 293
2014-10-23 15:12:00 / Author: DragonRatTiger
2014-10-23 15:12:00
Author:DragonRatTiger Posts: 33
2014-10-23 15:13:00 / Author: DragonRatTiger
What is that? Paint? |
2014-10-23 15:13:00
Author:DragonRatTiger Posts: 33
2014-10-23 22:35:00 / Author: nerd_dog
he was talking about the new paint . it lets you paint without the move controller. a nice new feature but creating art with sticker panel is still useful for people that like to do it that way.
2014-10-23 22:35:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2014-10-23 23:25:00 / Author: RedPanda
But with the sticker creator you actually make an "Official" Sticker rather than just something you took with the popit camera ;D
2014-10-23 23:25:00
Author:RedPanda Posts: 293
2014-10-23 23:53:00 / Author: nerd_dog
and as far as I can tell in the beta version, the picture quality is just as bad as lbp2 ( hopefully they fix that ). so the new feature is pretty nice.
2014-10-23 23:53:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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