LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

fundamental flaw in create mode

Archive: 8 posts
2014-12-28 02:57:00 / Author: DAZZLER
I'm not sure if this is a bug and I'm the only one experiencing this but in create mode how do I stop the sackthing jumping off platforms to the ground when I have a section of level that is set back and only 2 sections wide. I know there is a global tweaker to manually stop drop down but then he can't do things like exit a lift?? I'm playing on ps4 on lbp3
2014-12-28 02:57:00
Posts: 5

2014-12-28 10:03:00 / Author: Sound Friction
You can do a broadcast chip that tells Sackboy to change layers
2014-12-28 10:03:00
Sound Friction
Posts: 437

2014-12-28 20:41:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
You can do this with invisible walls, or a broadcast chip.

If you do it the broadcast chip way you can just create an invisible hologram or sticker panel box with a tag on it in important areas. (In/near elevators) And if the player is touching one of the boxes they can switch layers, if not then they can't
2014-12-28 20:41:00
Posts: 467

2014-12-28 20:42:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
If you want to do the broadcast chip way and your confused I can draw you a picture of what it looks like.
2014-12-28 20:42:00
Posts: 467

2014-12-28 22:07:00 / Author: Fox
I don't think that Sumo Digital thought of this when they made the game.
2014-12-28 22:07:00
Posts: 211

2014-12-28 22:25:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
It's possible, just complicated
2014-12-28 22:25:00
Posts: 467

2014-12-29 00:10:00 / Author: Fox
They should've had some kind of setting to restrict playable layers to specified ones. I mostly use the extra layers for aesthetic purposes. You can try moving the entire level to the very first layer (if possible).
2014-12-29 00:10:00
Posts: 211

2014-12-29 01:06:00 / Author: DAZZLER
I found another way of doing it last night if you put a gameplay tweaker down at the start and switch off manually drop down and then any points in the level where you want people to drop down through the layers place a new one on the layer and put a player sensor with it that way you can select the layers you want the drop down to be activated and in doing so prevent your players falling forward off the screen. Still seems like a massive flaw in design if you ask me!
2014-12-29 01:06:00
Posts: 5
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