LittleBigPlanet 3
How can I make an area that is only accessible by sackboy?
Archive: 1 posts
2014-12-01 05:30:00 / Author: Adamjstone
I want to make a level where you can use character gates at the start of the level to choose which character you want to play as, but each character will be forced to use different routes to get through the level. Is there a way to make a sackboy only area that swoop cannot get to? I don't want sackboy to have access to any sackpocket power ups and if possible I don't want to use a door that only opens when you are sackboy. Are there any ways to do this by just using the scenery? I.e. Sackboy can climb a material, but oddsock can't. Is there any way to do this to stop swoop from reaching sackboy's area?
2014-12-01 05:30:00
Author:Adamjstone Posts: 1
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