LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

[LBP3] Cant decorate my earth?

Archive: 4 posts
2015-04-13 07:04:00 / Author: petethepug
So when I finished Story Mode defeating the hardest boss in the game (Newton as a Titan) I thought to myself "Since we got all these materials why not decorate, our moon, and earth ."
So I hoped on my Pod Computer (The controller), and went to the following.

Me -> My Earth -> Profile
"Huh that's strange I can't decorate my earth, maybe its decorate."
(Exists out of profile, and the earth)
Me -> Decorate
"Okay we can change, our moon, but what about my Earth?"

So basically the game gives me no option once so ever to change my earth...
Could I have a little help please, and guidance?
2015-04-13 07:04:00
Posts: 67

2015-04-13 07:21:00 / Author: jhonsiak
I think you should press the R3 button to switch from Moon to Earth.
2015-04-13 07:21:00
Posts: 1535

2015-04-13 14:01:00 / Author: kubac2000
Yeah. What jhonsiak says. They removed aditional Decorate Button and My Pins has moved in its place.
2015-04-13 14:01:00
Posts: 329

2015-04-13 20:06:00 / Author: petethepug
Thanks .
2015-04-13 20:06:00
Posts: 67
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