LittleBigPlanet 3
sackbots cant use blaster handle
Archive: 13 posts
2014-12-17 21:12:00 / Author: starangel89
Will there be an update to make so sackbots can use the blaster handle?
2014-12-17 21:12:00
Author:starangel89 Posts: 3
2014-12-18 06:07:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
I don't think there will be one
In the beta a lot of people asked for it, but I guess they couldn't make it happen |
2014-12-18 06:07:00
Author:JellyBellyScout Posts: 467
2014-12-21 10:16:00 / Author: kubac2000
Wait, so sackbots can't have custom powerups?
That ruined my idea of making FPS level.. |
2014-12-21 10:16:00
Author:kubac2000 Posts: 329
2014-12-21 10:38:00 / Author: Sound Friction
Well, if there's a big demand for it, Sumo will eventually add it.
2014-12-21 10:38:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-21 10:54:00 / Author: yugnar
You guys need to learn some new creation techniques, sackbots are not necessary now. You can now combine broadcast microchips to customize Sackboy in any way you want, create top down levels if you wish, and Sackboy can use the blaster handle. In my Christmas Hub (you can check it out if you wish) there are some parts where I make Sackboy use custom powerups, but he is still full of logic, like drowning sequences if he touched water, or animations for when he touches wind.
2014-12-21 10:54:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2014-12-21 11:10:00 / Author: Sound Friction
What @Yugnar says.
2014-12-21 11:10:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-21 18:36:00 / Author: KingerBrocku
Yugnar have you considered doing a brief tutorial to demonstrate this new more efficient logic. I've seen the use of broadcast microchips and haven't exactly grasped its full potential. Might be a great entry to the how to contest and generally very helpful to the new generation of creators.
2014-12-21 18:36:00
Author:KingerBrocku Posts: 1
2014-12-21 21:17:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
Using sackbots still has a lot of perks over the broadcast chip.
And this means you can't have enemys use it, which a lot of people wanted to do. |
2014-12-21 21:17:00
Author:JellyBellyScout Posts: 467
2014-12-22 08:39:00 / Author: nerd_dog
exactly. sackbots still have many uses. the broadcast chip is really awesome but it doesn't replace the sackbot completely.
2014-12-22 08:39:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2014-12-22 09:03:00 / Author: Sound Friction
That true, but atleast I now can create a broadcast chip that can manage that players don't need move to use the brain crane WITHOUT a bot. Wich also means, that people can use their popit.
2014-12-22 09:03:00
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2014-12-22 15:47:00 / Author: kubac2000
And thats why I need this feature cause I'll be making a 3d fps level with a rotating map and sackbots can be duplicated unlike sackboy so in this situation broadcast microchip won't help a lot :/
2014-12-22 15:47:00
Author:kubac2000 Posts: 329
2014-12-22 19:21:00 / Author: yugnar
Sackbots do have some uses of course... But actually they can be modified with the broadcast microchip, too. I can't see your perk here, because they can be tagged and broadcasted logic, it works almost the same. Sackbots will become less and less used, they have very, very little advantages compared with modifying a character. I can't really think of any, actually. From the other point of view though (used as the "baddies" ,they are still needed. And as actors I suppose. The thing is, they can't use the blaster handle such as they can't use many of the power-ups already existing and that is just another disadvantage. I would really say that a player who is broadcasted logic instead of put inside a sackbot is pretty much the future, I really don't see any disadvantage of not doing so.
If I understood correctly the problem is that sackbots can't use the blaster handle for your 3D FPS level. I suppose you will have to solve that out via logic, like in the good old times. That has nothing to do with the broadcast microchips. |
2014-12-22 19:21:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2014-12-23 09:18:00 / Author: nerd_dog
i'm not going to argue about that. your right about the chip. it really is fantastic that way. but if I make a story based level where I want to have the player experience the level as a very specific character , or if I want that slower moving and sort of clunky sackbot feel ( may be possible to get this using logic but I doubt that it would have the same feel ), then i'll want a sackbot.
those two main reasons seem to be the reasons that the people at Sumo used them in the lvl where you control the yeti. and as a few of you already said, you still may want sackbot enemies and/or companions in your level. it would really be great if Sumo made it possible for sackbots to use the blaster handle. however, I do not believe they're going to fix this in a patch. it just would have been useful. |
2014-12-23 09:18:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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