LittleBigPlanet 3
Cant transfer my LBP1 Content!
Archive: 2 posts
2014-11-25 16:15:00 / Author: ItsToxiiC
Umm yea, my LBP3 on PS3 freeze after try to transfer my LBP1 content, anyone can help me? Thanks and sorry for my bad english
2014-11-25 16:15:00
Author:ItsToxiiC Posts: 2
2014-11-26 07:04:00 / Author: xSlacker
Just registered here as I have exactly the same problem.
When I choose one to Import and then the "Importing" screen comes up and everything freezes. Heck I am now installing LBP 1 and 2 to see if my saves are corrput. D: EDIT: I'm on the PS3 as well. Edit 2: After installing LBP 1 and 2 and importing their appropriete (typo) back up profiles, I know now that the backups are not corrupt. Now that I started up LBP3 the game successfully asked me if i wanted to import my LBP1 savegame, though it did not ask about LBP2. And I also successfully imported the unlocks from LBP2 through the settings menu. Yay. |
2014-11-26 07:04:00
Author:xSlacker Posts: 2
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