LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Community Contests
LBP3 Giveaway (PS3)
Archive: 6 posts
2015-01-21 00:31:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
Hey guys, long time no see... anyways I haven't played my ps3 copy of LBP3 ever since I bought it on release date. I was just wondering if anyone wanted it. I would prefer to give it away to someone that doesn't already have a copy of the game. All you would have to do is pay shipping for it. I am from canada so it would be a canadian copy, not sure if that changes anything.
Well I'll check this thread but message me on twitter if you want to talk to me faster: @unproductLve cheers! |
2015-01-21 00:31:00
Author:dolphins-R-lame Posts: 869
2015-04-05 01:16:00 / Author: sana_88
I got mine on second day and:
If it is Canadian, than the CA Store would be probably only be compatible with it and same goes for the PS3 Model. My LBP3 is EU, and therefore, EU PS3s and PAL would be able to play it. (For e.g. mine!) Same goes for Japanese copies and Japanese PS3s. So I am just making you sure about nationality compatibility, as fore I have no interest of paying for a second copy of LBP3 that I cannot use anyway! I hope somebody is lucky enough to be able to get this! For e.g. broken PS4 etc. Or just don't have LBP3 yet.) |
2015-04-05 01:16:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-10-03 12:04:29 / Author: ZombieKitty
Why don't you sell it on eBay?
2015-10-03 12:04:29
Author:ZombieKitty Posts: 182
2015-10-05 04:46:46 / Author: himy12345
I actually was planning to get a copy for my brother yesterday, but it's still 50 dollars used I don't want to seem like some sort of begger or anything, but I would greatly appreciate it if you were to send it to me I live in the U.S but I'll be able to pay for the shipping. Just wanted to let you know that even if it isn't me, it's very generous of you! |
2015-10-05 04:46:46
Author:himy12345 Posts: 1
2015-10-05 08:42:49 / Author: Woutery
I'll enter for MrLIJOOL. He only has it on PS4 and we never play together anymore.
2015-10-05 08:42:49
Author:Woutery Posts: 211
2015-10-15 06:05:58 / Author: TheSangheiliGeek
I'd like to enter for a friend who has the same problem as Woutry's. He has it for PS4, but not PS3.
And he lives in Canada, so that would be helpful! |
2015-10-15 06:05:58
Author:TheSangheiliGeek Posts: 181
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