LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Community Contests
[LBPCC1] Create a level!
Archive: 6 posts
2014-10-19 03:58:00 / Author: galacticsackboy
In this competition all you have to do is build a level based on Christmas! Easy right!... although you don't have long to do it
To enter all you have to do is msg my PSN (Driscoll64) or post a comment on my LBP earth saying "hey I've finished my level for (LBPCC) and I would like you to check it out" The competition will last from: Sunday 19th October 2014 - Thursday 1st January 2015 The prizes for the winner are: Hearts, Yay's and plays on all there levels, Advertising of 1 thing, ex. PSN or Youtube channel, and bragging rights The lucky winner will be announced on this thread on Monday 5th January 2015 Good luck to all who enter and I will look forward to playing your levels!... |
2014-10-19 03:58:00
Author:galacticsackboy Posts: 10
2014-10-19 04:16:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
hmm... Can you please post a picture of the ps4 and money that would be used to buy those two other games.
For people to enter contest they need proof that it's not just a scam and a waste of time. This seems even more questionable because it's not like a $20/£20 contest, this would cost $520 to pull off. and it seems more like a $20 contest... not a $520 contest. But if you can post a picture of the ps4 and money people would probably find this more believable. |
2014-10-19 04:16:00
Author:JellyBellyScout Posts: 467
2014-10-19 04:21:00 / Author: RedPanda
Getting quite sick of fake competitions popping up, what's the point? If this is real then good luck to whoever enters, but hardly anyone on this site is as gullible as you believe them to be.
2014-10-19 04:21:00
Author:RedPanda Posts: 293
2014-10-19 04:24:00 / Author: galacticsackboy
where does it say about a ps4 and what money?
2014-10-19 04:24:00
Author:galacticsackboy Posts: 10
2014-10-19 04:29:00 / Author: RedPanda
It said it in the bit you just deleted. Good Job on that by the way, you wouldn't want to make it look like your lying. Oh, wait...
2014-10-19 04:29:00
Author:RedPanda Posts: 293
2014-10-19 05:35:00 / Author: nerd_dog
hahaha! from my time zone it shows that RedPanda commented at 4:21am , you edited your post at 4:23am and that you denied having ever posted anything about money at 4:24am.
the times don't lie, but you do |
2014-10-19 05:35:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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