LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Community Contests
Christmas Costume Contest & Mini-Pack
Archive: 1 posts
2013-12-03 09:36:00 / Author: DebonaireToast
Christmas Costume Contest & Mini-Pack *** Judges Needed *** There are 60 original sticker designs (several created with the Paint tool) to really inspire your holiday-themed costumes. There are 4 panels to choose from, use the left thumbstick to navigate panels, X to collect a sticker-prize. R1 and L1 will take you to a new panel of sticker choices. You will also find wonderfully wintry scenery to take photos in to display your costume creations. There is no limit to how many photos you should take, or how many costumes you can enter. The only requirements are that the costumes be YOUR OWN DESIGN (not collected from community prizes), and that you keep the glitched decorations to a minimum. Costumes should be recognizable as 'costume', not "wow that is a large deco". The contest ends on December 26th, I should have results within a week or so after that. If anyone wants to be a judge for the contest - please send me a PSN message, a Twitter DM, or an email on Facebook. This also should not have to be said, but given the intense animosity of the response by one individual to being disqualified from the last costume contest - if you send me any messages to complain I will not consider you qualified for any costume contest I ever host. Arguing about a fun contest is against the spirit of the contest itself, and in general takes away from the experience of those who participated. Raising an issue after the conclusion of a contest doesn't change the result of the contest, it only makes you look like someone who can't handle competition. |
2013-12-03 09:36:00
Author:DebonaireToast Posts: 11
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