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Community Contests

LBPC Contest 11 - Buddy Building

Archive: 9 posts
2013-06-17 23:44:00 / Author: DeKa1357
Welcome to the latest LBPC Contest. First though we would like to say farewell to Missi_Cat who is leaving the Crew. A huge thank you to her for everything she's done. We'll all miss her!

Now without further ado, on with the contest!

?My parents always said I should make new friends!?

You?re good at making new friends, right? Great, because that?s exactly what we want you to do for this contest. This time we're focusing on the beauty of friendship as you're asked to create a level that features cooperation between yourself and a purpose-built friend!

The task is to create a level which in true ?Buddy System? style can?t be completed without teamwork between yourself and a friend, and not just any friend, but one you built yourself. So get out your drawing board and fire up your imagination! What kind of artificial intelligence will you go for? It could be a sackbot, drone, a can of pop-fizzler?anything! Just be sure to make your companion interesting and full of character! After all you?re going to be spending quality time together?

The contest will focus not just on mechanics (although there is huge potential for their demonstration) but also on character creation, communication and artistic style... hopefully, something for everyone.

The winner will be awarded a Crown and an LBPC Pin and up to 2 runners up will be awarded a $20.00 PSN card each (or its nearest equivalent in other currencies).

Building requirements

? The task is to build a level that focuses on team work between yourself and a ps3 controlled character (an NCP essentially). You and the artificial intelligence should not be able to complete the level without each other?s help.
? The artificial intelligence (AI) you make must have an avatar of some sort, whether it be a mechanical drone, a sackbot or a hologram.
? We must see some sort of interaction between your AI and the level. We don't physically have to see the interaction as long as it is implied. For example, we could see the AI pushing a switch for you, but equally we could see it being absorbed by a computer console and a screen flashes, both actions achieving the same effect of opening a door for the player.
? We must also see interaction between your AI and the player. To give some examples, this could be anything from the AI defending you, providing light for you or it depending on you for transportation through the level.
? Provide a method of communication between the AI and the player. This could take the form of speech bubbles, thought bubbles, pictures on screens or even pure speech if the creator has a microphone... or for those musical folk, communicate to us through short bursts of musical variety. In short be creative.... Your A.I?s personality is important to us, you want to make them likeable but not out of character for the situation presented in the level. Are they calm and calculating, fragmenting and confused or humorous? Your call.
? Provide a backstory for your AI companion, how were they built, why are you both here together in the level? Get us to be emotionally invested in your character.


? Create an original previously unpublished level of any genre (except movies - see below) based on the contest theme.

? The level must include gameplay so no movie levels, please! It can contain cutscenes.

? One level slot/thermo per entry.

? All entries must be playable in LittleBigPlanet 2 only. No cross-controller levels. Wormholes (and other cross-controller DLC) within a level without using the cross-controller functionality are allowed, however.

? Publish your levels between 20th and 28th July (final deadline is 11.59 pm GMT on 28th July) and include the text ?(LBPC11)? in the title of the level.

? Post links to your levels in this thread, so we?re sure not to miss them!

? You can only submit one entry.

? After the deadline, do not republish. Levels republished after the deadline will be disqualified. Exceptions may be made for quick fixes with respect to level titles, description, badges, or major game-breaking fixes, but only with the prior consent of the contest crew. If you need to request an edit, please post in this thread and send me a PM.

? Last but not least, have fun, play fair and respect other creators, LBPC members, Judges and Staff! (Contestants banned from LBPC at any time during the period of the contest are automatically disqualified from it)

Also a little Handy FAQ for you all:

2013-06-17 23:44:00
Posts: 1806

2013-06-18 02:44:00 / Author: jhonsiak
Thanks for this post DK....
but what we should do??
I will may enter when I'll completely understand the contest... so tell me fast to make an entry!!
2013-06-18 02:44:00
Posts: 1535

2013-06-18 04:29:00 / Author: Chrisneve
A level for instance on lbp1. At the wedding(I forgot what the level is called)don Lu's dog has a light that u need to light your path. He follows you around and u can ride him and u need to help him up platforms or just help him generally
2013-06-18 04:29:00
Posts: 32

2013-06-18 04:34:00 / Author: FreddyFerrari
In short: You have to build a level that you can only finish with a kind of robot friend that you can controll but you dont have to. So you play with your normal sackboy and have to finish the level with your 'buddy'
2013-06-18 04:34:00
Posts: 853

2013-06-18 15:43:00 / Author: yugnar
Hmmm... Interesting. Not sure if I will give it a try but I actually might this time :O
2013-06-18 15:43:00
Posts: 766

2013-06-18 23:38:00 / Author: pate59
You should have at least given a clear link to the original official post instead of just copy pasting the whole post...
2013-06-18 23:38:00
Posts: 362

2013-06-18 23:52:00 / Author: DeKa1357
I did! There is a link where you should post your level!
2013-06-18 23:52:00
Posts: 1806

2013-06-19 04:46:00 / Author: pate59
I know. That's not very clear though.
2013-06-19 04:46:00
Posts: 362

2013-06-19 09:11:00 / Author: jhonsiak
I'll maybe be in the team of some people that make this contest.... I really hope I'll finally get LBPC pin.
2013-06-19 09:11:00
Posts: 1535
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