LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
Ruins of New AhkTosh
Archive: 10 posts
2015-04-05 00:54:00 / Author: sana_88
Hey guys, today I am showing you a quick preview on a side project called The Ruins Of Ark'Tosh!
This level is something 'different', it is not just some platformer and fighter combined. It's a level whereas you play as a Green Slime! Well... ugh yes. Okay it doesn't sound that great but once I get through more detail, you'll get the point! The Ruins of Ark'Tosh have awesome pixel animation, whereas you play as the Green Slime, a small slime that can jump around and move pretty fast. There are also Red Slimes (smallest and weakest, and only bounces around) and a Purple Slime so far, fast on land, cannot jump and also takes longer to kill. This is the latest picture, I know I haven't included a red slime in it, but they are just smaller than the green slime, and a pinkish red, like a default sequencer colour As you realise, the background, platforms etc aren't pixel yeah? This is primarily because I find the mix of pixel objects, and a semi-realistic background seems to look cool. Trust me, that photo was crap. The quality was absolutely poor, in game, it's at least 10x better. The green slime and push down levers etc, and like the red slime, can stick to a wall (not wall jump though) this way if there is a chasing enemy, you can go on the wall, push off and SQUASH the livings out of them! Thoughout the game you'll find new abilities such as flame cloaked sprinting and lightning cloaked sprinting. These powerups are cleverly triggered via wireless tag communication, this way, you'll get the best I can deliver In the image, did you see a health bar? There will be no health, just an instantaneous death and score taking system. I might consider changing that into a score/health system, but for now, I might just as well make that a stamina bar! I'll upload more pictures, but for now, this will do. If you're on LBP3 PS3, you can have access to a free test, but I might create a code-activated beta on my Earth, but I just don't want people telling each other the code or bringing along another person (I'll PM it to you btw) because I want it to be a hand selected group of people. |
2015-04-05 00:54:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-05 00:55:00 / Author: sana_88
Oh yeah, the closest thing you'll get to a rainbow unicorn that listened to nyan cat for too long and then farted out rainbows is the fact I might make rainbow fart sprinting ()
I'm not joking, there are also rainbow flame enemy attacks so be careful! EDIT: The sprinting can break objects and damage enemies from the side, instead of primarily the top! A certain elemental sprint will allow you to break certain types of objects for e.g. Flame'll be the first so: Burns and destroys wooden crates and barrels. Can also deal two point of attack! For e.g. to kill a purple (3/3) you'll have to hit twice (once being 2/3) Electric is primarily for attack! Faster and deadlier, dealing 4/4, you quickly move and destroy enemies! Rainbow: Not as fast as Electric, but can destory wooden, stone and physical dark matter... Only harms dark enemies, such as Grey Slimes, Black Slimes and Undead Skeletons etc. The last ability isn't in fact a sprint charge, but a boost upwards, followed by a triggered explosive slam! I might add memoriser data, (if someone can help with that, I suck at using the memoriser...) so that it'll save your abilties, which'll allow you to get to more places. |
2015-04-05 00:55:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-05 02:17:00 / Author: Schark94
Oh, I see now. This looks interesting.
2015-04-05 02:17:00
Author:Schark94 Posts: 73
2015-04-05 02:36:00 / Author: sana_88
Thanks! I might open a Test Version some day btw!
2015-04-05 02:36:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-07 16:53:00 / Author: sana_88
Sorry guys but I need to tell you!
On my Moon and Create Mode, the level 'Ruins of Ahk'Tosh' basically broke. Can't load etc. So I've had to restart the project! It'll be called Ruins of New Ahk'Tosh Improvements: Character design has an increase. Animation increased. Level Layout Increased Possibility of more features/abilities Cons: Will take more time. A LOT MORE TIME! Might have to recreate enemies etc, but luckily I saved all the logic so yay? |
2015-04-07 16:53:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-08 17:40:00 / Author: sana_88
An image of the WIP! The pictures in LBP3 PS3 seem to be worse than LBP2 for me. It always comes out too dark/bright and the resolution is horrible. |
2015-04-08 17:40:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-13 17:01:00 / Author: sana_88
A quick update, on my Earth there is a quick demo/WiP version of it. The flame sprint has been replaced by an ordinary sprint, just a fast run that can destroy boxes.
I've added a menu V It's a perfected menu using my own custom wireless logic It has: PLAY CONTROLS (Which if selected shows a controller with controls etc. OPTION (Which if selected enables (and makes the previous, PLAY CONTROL OPTION, menus disappear, and shows a music option with Left/Right Selection of 2 songs so far, since they're the only fitting songs I've found so far. I might make one and add it to the list! Has sound effects (Yay!) |
2015-04-13 17:01:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
2015-04-13 19:42:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hahaha, sana88, its so heartening to watch your excitement describing your project! I'm looking forward to explore your "Ruins of Ark'Tosh" when its done
And I can feel with you! I'm still proud of every custom menu I've created! Many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2015-04-13 19:42:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2015-04-17 04:16:00 / Author: leftstickrightstick
Menu looks amazing, The rest of the level looks like its going to be quite a nice looking level =P
The pixel blobs contrast with the rest of the level weirds me out, it just doesn't compute in my mind Im sure when we actually start playing this level that will probably change though. The health system would be really cool to add if you manage it. I admire how much dedication, thought, and hard work is working into this level especially after such a set back like having to restart the whole project because it broke. Can't wait to check this out when its complete! =) |
2015-04-17 04:16:00
Author:leftstickrightstick Posts: 88
2015-04-17 04:34:00 / Author: sana_88
Thank you.
I hate getting set back ! The in-game camera on PS3 LBP3 sucks, so don't underrate it! |
2015-04-17 04:34:00
Author:sana_88 Posts: 347
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