LittleBigPlanet 3
Where are all the sounds from lbp1, 2, and vita? All im getting are vehicles, contraptions, and alerts as the only sound
Archive: 3 posts
2014-11-23 07:20:00 / Author: facelickerz223
Now, i have a couple of theories on this problem:
1. I have to progress even further to obtain these items for create mode (im on ziggurat with only 1 marble retrieved) 2. I plan on importing all my data from lbp1 and 2 once i feel like im done with the whole game, so therefore probably resulting in new players only getting those 3 default sounds? (highly unlikely, that would be a bad move Sumo...) 3. Maybe the bug i had last time (not receiving end-level objects) just impacts objects like sounds and materials too, so this is probably the the reason (highly likely) 4. Maybe the new patch will give us ALL the sounds I also keep hearing DLC transfer problems, so ill hold off until sumo patches to bring everything in If you can help me with these dear confusions, that would be great! - facelickerz223 |
2014-11-23 07:20:00
Author:facelickerz223 Posts: 3
2014-11-23 13:11:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
It is confirmed that the next patch of the game, 1.13 i think, will not only fix most, or hopefully all of the dlc problems. But also add all the sounds that are missing.
2014-11-23 13:11:00
Author:JellyBellyScout Posts: 467
2014-11-23 17:24:00 / Author: nerd_dog
soooo many sounds missing . if you really don't want to wait for the patch. I believe it's possible to import them into lbp3 from lbp2
2014-11-23 17:24:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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