LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2

2 points of view in the same level?

Archive: 9 posts
2014-07-22 14:54:00 / Author: BlueZebra
Is there any way that two players in the same level can maintain different points of view? For example in a poker game each player should only be able to look at their own hand, and no one else's. This would be great for what I want to do. On the surface it seem to me like it should be possible with 2 different cameras, but I just don't know how. Any ideas would be appreciated. Since I am relatively new to LBP2 I don't know if this is possible. My PSN-ID is: FanaticoPorVida
2014-07-22 14:54:00
Posts: 12

2014-07-22 15:27:00 / Author: Akakyu
Maybe by creating a level in Versus mode, each person has his own point of view in the level thanks to this mode, if this can help
2014-07-22 15:27:00
Posts: 10

2014-07-22 16:19:00 / Author: BlueZebra
Not getting it. Maybe you could explain how it would be done? Thanks.
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
2014-07-22 16:19:00
Posts: 12

2014-07-23 01:36:00 / Author: Akakyu
Oh I've just understood what you were trying to do ! :o
Well, in my opinion, the best is to use 4 controlinators if you want it to be a 4 player game, in which each controlinator possesses a different camera ! If you know what I mean :3
If someone has another idea, it would be great, since I'm not a logic pro myself ^^"
2014-07-23 01:36:00
Posts: 10

2014-07-27 13:15:00 / Author: amiel445566
Versus, and game cameras

But you have to space out the players physically in order to have the zones work properly

2014-07-27 13:15:00
Posts: 127

2014-07-27 18:40:00 / Author: aratiatia
Yeah, only a versus level would allow this. Cooperative levels share one camera. I would set up normal camera logic for the lead player then copy this to each other controllinator. I don't know about zone overlapping and so on so you would have to experiment.
2014-07-27 18:40:00
Posts: 11

2014-07-30 12:26:00 / Author: BlueZebra
Can you elaborate on this a little more, thanks.
2014-07-30 12:26:00
Posts: 12

2014-08-07 15:59:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
Ok go to your tools bag and move past the backgrounds and filters until you reach the game settings page. On the top (first option) you'll see a little pair of sackthings side by side the function should be labeled as 'cooperative'. Now, select with your joystick the 'versus' option. This will allow each player to have their own camera.
You will also see an option named 'cutscene' this will prevent the player entering the level, it's usually used for movies and such.

I hope this helps you out!
2014-08-07 15:59:00
Posts: 401

2014-08-12 14:42:00 / Author: BlueZebra
2014-08-12 14:42:00
Posts: 12
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