LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2


Archive: 4 posts
2014-04-02 23:05:00 / Author: dakrrs
Yes, even good creators get stumped and need help.

I've never really used the memorizer in great detail. I'm making a level called Nightfury Flight.

I'm using the memorizer to count the number of rings flown through, fire bursts shot, and enemies eliminated.

This will keep track up to 9999, but I want it to stack; meaning I would like for these stats to remain the same even after the player leaves and comes back. I don't know what to plug what into the memorizer.

Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated and will receive credit in the level description.
2014-04-02 23:05:00
Posts: 561

2014-04-03 09:09:00 / Author: Dertyde94
I don't have the memorizer because I don't have the DC pack but a friend taught me how to use it. It's awesome.
So I would like to try! Just invite me. I hope I'll be useful

EDIT: have you found someone to do the job dakrrs?
2014-04-03 09:09:00
Posts: 181

2014-06-03 07:17:00 / Author: dakrrs
Canceled the original.
I did get it to work once...kinda.
2014-06-03 07:17:00
Posts: 561

2014-06-12 07:59:00 / Author: amiel445566
Sorry if im late, but what you want to do is use a feedback loop to count your values by their analogue signals

if you want me to delve deeper then please ask me which parts you need clarification on
2014-06-12 07:59:00
Posts: 127
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