LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2

Realistic Rain

Archive: 4 posts
2014-04-06 21:36:00 / Author: Caliboy4599
I have tried multiple strategies and would like to know a good way to make rain without lag. Thanks
2014-04-06 21:36:00
Posts: 23

2014-04-06 21:58:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
Well, you got me at "without Lag'. The only thing I can think of is animation. Instead of actually moving the sticker panel? Sorta like Itar does.
2014-04-06 21:58:00
Posts: 401

2014-04-06 22:14:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
Ya ITARBOYI has some great rain affects. You should definitely check out this level maybe he can help you
2014-04-06 22:14:00
Posts: 869

2014-04-07 21:39:00 / Author: dakrrs
I used to use sticker panel with a custom image of rain using the paint tool. Now, I use the speed effect material from the DC Comics Pack.

If you don't have DC, then here's what you do.

1: Create an image of rain drops using the paint tool. (PS Move required)

2: Place image on sticker panel. Tweak the transparency to your desire. (Save the object with your capture tool)

3: Place a piece of sticker panel with a microchip attached to it.

4: Place a follower set to max radius, max speed, follow all players, and restrict up and down movement.

5: Place several emitters in the microchip. Each one will emit the sticker panel you saved. (Make sure all emitters are out of sync for randomness)

6: Move you 'rain maker' to a point where players won't see rain appearing out of thin air. Move just high enough to be out of view on the highest point in your level.

7: Check your emitter settings and tweak accordingly to get the visual effect you want such as speed.

If all goes well, you should have a rain maker similar to the one I used in Stormy Cove.

Here is what it will look like. (This is with global lighting tweaks)
2014-04-07 21:39:00
Posts: 561
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