LittleBigPlanet Vita
Time Warp Chronicles Soundtrack Gallery
Archive: 1 posts
2014-10-10 19:18:00 / Author: JustinArt
Hi, folks. I have just published the new gallery exclusive to LBPV. The gallery features ten music from my "Time Warp Chronicles" series, plus a bonus track featured in my LBPC Eye Candy level. All songs in this level can be yours to collect, as long as you credit me if you want to include in your level. Be sure to put on headphones to hear my soundtracks better. Hope you check it out. Pics (there's supposed to be texts when these photos were taken, but they didn't come out) Three videos of the music featured in this gallery (six of them were uploaded to YouTube, the other five will be posted soon) |
2014-10-10 19:18:00
Author:JustinArt Posts: 24
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