LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2

The work that I put into my series is still getting low appreciation from critics thanks to fairly dull graphics. A few

Archive: 5 posts
2013-10-20 13:59:00 / Author: xan-con
Nearly all of the levels in my Xander VERSUS The World series start out on the ground. They generally suffer from low and fairly rushed levels of detail, but there is a reason for the low amount of detail, which people don't seem to understand. Even after spending months fixing the central gameplay issues (way too many issues, I know), my levels may be pretty interesting in their own way, but the poor graphics of Part 2 cause people to lose interest, which is why the rest of my levels beyond Part 2 have barely gotten any plays whatsoever (even Part 3). I've even been told that I need to structure my series around a story, even though that's exactly what I did with it. Please give me some advice...I seriously do not have the Nature Kit. I have the Pirates, Metal Gear Solid, and Infinite Checkpoints DLC packs from LBP1 though.
2013-10-20 13:59:00
Posts: 104

2013-10-20 23:25:00 / Author: pate59
Listen to the reviews. It's not that hard.
2013-10-20 23:25:00
Posts: 362

2013-10-21 01:50:00 / Author: @Macciej
Guys I know this is different topic but... does anyone know what is Sony's e-mail? Like I would write to them about LBP...
2013-10-21 01:50:00
Posts: 6

2013-10-21 04:19:00 / Author: xan-con
What I'm trying to explain is that I'm listening to the reviews. It's just that I don't have time to "fix" the graphics (they don't really look that bad anyway, people are just used to much better graphics on LBP2).
2013-10-21 04:19:00
Posts: 104

2013-10-21 05:41:00 / Author: Jujupon
It is what it is, I'm sorry...

You have to learn to please in all aspects. If your current levels don't suffice, it's time to create a new on that will knock their socks off!
2013-10-21 05:41:00
Posts: 57
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