LittleBigPlanet Vita
Some mini games
Archive: 2 posts
2014-01-29 06:57:00 / Author: DJAkbar
Even though I love creating stories like Susan And Bird or Trapped! I sometimes do enjoy putting together some mini games. I recently finished three different levels that have not been getting any attention yet. Make sure to check them out if you are interested in just playing without worrying about any kind of story.
Skate Or Die!2014-01-29-004111.jpg2014-01-29-003428.jpg2014-01-29-002932.jpgA little skateboarding game to celebrate the release of OlliOlli for the PS Vita. The controls are pretty straight-forward and easy to learn. But reaching the end of every of the six stages in three different environments is a real challenge. And if you want to reach the top of the scoreboard you will have to collect all the trucks of all the levels. In each level there are three trucks that are increasingly hard to get. Skate Or Die! Stargazer2014-01-29-002351.jpg2014-01-29-002259.jpgThis level was inspired by all the impressive independent games on the Vita. You can either play alone or against up to three opponents. You will be travelling the stars and your goal is to light up as many suns and stars as you can, explore planets and encounter alien life forms. By touching the objects passing your space craft a sound will be played for each of the objects creating a moody symphony unique for each playthrough. Relax while exploring space alone or co-operate with friends to create your song of the universe. Stargazer 20 Jumps In Space2014-01-29-002557.jpg2014-01-29-002758.jpgThis is classical platforming. Inspired the popular ? jumps - levels but with a bit of a twist. Try to survive twenty jumps on a spaceship. Race against the clock and try tu get to the escape pods before time runs out and gravity fails completely. 20 Jumps In Space Have fun trying out these mini games and stay tuned for my next creation: a full blown point and click adventure with lots of dialogue and an improved inventory. |
2014-01-29 06:57:00
Author:DJAkbar Posts: 6
2014-01-29 11:49:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Sounds so interesting! It's queued for sure
2014-01-29 11:49:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
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