LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
Dont Starve/Terraria Crafting System
Archive: 5 posts
2015-01-18 18:33:00 / Author: mr_d22
I'm attempting to re-create Don't Starve in Lbp. I have a good crafting system in which when you grab the crafting table, it takes away the required item, and gives you the new item. However, I need to add 2 things:
1. the ability to craft multiple different items. 2. a crafting HUD. Maybe if the devs gave out that HUD thingy, I could make the crafting HUD, but as for crafting multiple items, I've tried everything with sack-pocket logic and nothing worked. Any suggestions? Thanks! |
2015-01-18 18:33:00
Author:mr_d22 Posts: 20
2015-01-19 06:52:00 / Author: nerd_dog
If you're on PS3, you can actually use the HUD Element.
2015-01-19 06:52:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-01-29 03:06:00 / Author: GoldTheSackPillow
Hi!, in the recipes you can use custom tags wih the names of the materials Example of a recipe: Wood tag + Stone tag conected in a Y connector conected to a emiter of the new item! PD: Sorry for my grammar English is not my native language.
2015-01-29 03:06:00
Author:GoldTheSackPillow Posts: 1
2015-01-29 10:37:00 / Author: dakrrs
If people can make the Minecraft levels, I'm sure you can make a Don't Starve level. Sounds pretty cool.
Good luck. |
2015-01-29 10:37:00
Author:dakrrs Posts: 561
2015-02-24 22:13:00 / Author: samuasp
This sounds like a good idea never played the game but it's on my ps4 might have a look into it and if you need any help I'll be happy to lend aassistancejust drop me a message if your still working on it blockbuster95
2015-02-24 22:13:00
Author:samuasp Posts: 73
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