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cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2
Archive: 1 posts
2015-06-16 03:10:00 / Author: ???
During my earlier days in the world of LBF before it became really lively and vibrant, back then I had had the section for movies and other media within my sight, but am not very sure where to find it now, so please correct me if I'm wrong like a scatterbrain
![]() Anyways though, this is an incredibly charming, moving movie that I was gripped by a few years ago and likewise I'm certain you were too, whilst it didn't really pack the same punch from its preceeder, this one was more lively and really entertaining as usual but in a way I'd rather watch the first one though, but this one was really a delightful treat to go through nevertheless, and If you haven't already, I highly recommend it! ![]() It's incredibly gripping that the charm won't let you get away from the TV and watch it yet again and again. So, if you did or whatever, this thread is for you to jabber in as to either the first or its sequel. |
2015-06-16 03:10:00
Author:??? ![]() Posts: 98
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