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LittleBigForums Level Series Stage 2.1 - Initial Organization
Archive: 8 posts
2012-07-31 11:31:00 / Author: yugnar
Ok guys, this is STAGE 2.1!
First thing first, so this is a list of the members who are participating until now: -yugnar -tomthejedi -Deka1357 -PyroTrooper91 -LJRobey -Jaeydan -BillyCrash100 If you want to participate in this project, you can still enter, as the recruiting deadline is flexible. I will upload this list if anyone else enters. Possibly this is the last public thread of the project, as everything else about this will remain partially secret until the level series is finished; so you better hurry. Now, second things second (), it is time for the real organization! 1.-We need to assign directors, designers, etc. So, here there is a list of the things we need. Each one of you guys that are participating need to send me a PM/create a post where you tell which charge you would want to have, tell a little bit about yourself and why you are fit for that charge, and your creator-abilities (e.g. logic, decorations, boss design, level design, story writer, etc.) 1.1-Project Director: The guy who will organize the level series, create new stages and all that stuff. It is me of course lol. Anyway: 1.1.1-Game Sub-director: If something happens to me (like going on vacation or alien kidnapping), this other guy will be in charge until my return, also he will help me organizing some stuff. This is not a time-drainer charge, so he can also postulate himself for another thing like Art Director or something. 1.2-Story Director: As I had said earlier, the story will be proposed by all of us (discussed later in this thread); anyway, the Story Director will be in charge to supervise that all the levels follow the story designed by all of us, that it has coherence, and that it evolves naturally as the game progresses. He should be able to make cinematics, as maybe he will make the Intro/Outro with some help of course. 1.3-Art Director: Really important too. He will be in charge of how every level looks like. Whoa. He won't do the whole decorating work of course; but we need a creative genius () that seriously has some experience with decorating levels and that is able to recreate any possible scenery (from a haunted forest to a castle's dungeon, I don't know). 1.4-:Two Level Designers: The name says it all. Even though every creator can contribute with his own ideas to their levels, they have to think in a good part of the level design, how will the players progress, etc. They will also supervise that every level feel to belong to the same story. Obviously all the levels won't be settled into the same scenery; but the game must feel similar to every other level of the series. Something also very important here is teamwork. We need two people that are disposed to work together to make the whole series design. 1.5: Planet Designer: The guy who will decorate the awesome planet for the level series. Maybe the admin can help us with that. Anyway, this is an "small" task, so you can postulate for one other charge aside form Planet Designer. 1.6: Everybody else who isn't any of the above, still needs to send his abilities so that we can organize who gets to help for the logic, who can help building the level, or who can help decorating the level. 2: We need to decide the story and the overall level series basics. You should answer this questions via PM preferentially; and when we have a more private forum, we will have votations on the stories: 2.1: The Story. What do you propose the level series' story should be about? In here, you must tell us the overall story idea (that must have something to do with the forum, anything like a virus entering the base data, or an evil-madsack who is ruining and spamming all LBP fansites, who knows?); and an idea of the amount of levels and their respective themes. E. g.: A level series about a knight who has to rescue a princess, it can be divided in 7 levels: 1-Intro 2-The king's castle 3-The magic forest 4-The bad-guy castle's dungeons 5-The boss 6-Outro 7-Credits. OK? Something like that. Just make everything pretty much more detailed. 2.2: Number of players compatibility: Crucial. At first it doesn't appear like something so important, but level designers need to know if this will be a ONLY 1P experience or a multiplayer friendly level that can include optional 2X; 3X; or 4X sections. Take into consideration that multiplayer levels can seriously reduce the amount of gameplay possibilities, limit camera changes, logic, etc. So that's it for now. This stage will finish as soon as everybody sends me their PM/publish their posts with their ideas. IMPORTANT: The level story should seriously remain secret until the series is published; so if you wish to publish your answers in a post, it is OK; but the story should be PMed. |
2012-07-31 11:31:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2012-07-31 12:07:00 / Author: BillyCrash100
Why didn't you put me in? I was the first person to comment on Stage 1.
2012-07-31 12:07:00
Author:BillyCrash100 Posts: 73
2012-07-31 12:28:00 / Author: yugnar
Whoops! Sorry BillyCrash100! I'll add you right now!
EDIT: Mmmm... It seems that you can't edit posts with replies. Oh well, anyway, consider yourself in Billy! Jeje. Sorry for not adding you, it seemed to me that you were still thinking about it. I'll send you a friend request and add you to the private forum members now! |
2012-07-31 12:28:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
2012-07-31 13:48:00 / Author: Jaeydan
Oh boy, this is going to be huge!
2012-07-31 13:48:00
Author:Jaeydan Posts: 253
2012-08-02 12:59:00 / Author: LJRobey
I edited the post and added billy to the list of creators on the project
2012-08-02 12:59:00
Author:LJRobey Posts: 31
2012-08-03 03:06:00 / Author: tomthejedi
Ok guys! Who is going to be doing what in the series? Its about time we decided!
2012-08-03 03:06:00
Author:tomthejedi Posts: 19
2012-08-03 10:43:00 / Author: Jaeydan
Art is my forte IMO. I would definitely love doing the planet design and being the art director (already applied for that, lol). Check out my planet, if you think it's good enough. I'm sure I can pull it off!
2012-08-03 10:43:00
Author:Jaeydan Posts: 253
2012-08-03 11:56:00 / Author: yugnar
Ok, thanks Jaeydan! Your planet is just awesome and I know you have a lot of talent for visuals, so you probably will be the Art Director (unless someone else wants that, in that case we'll make an small contest, voting or sth...). Also, I will copy your post to the new official section of this series just to keep a track in everyone's replies.
2012-08-03 11:56:00
Author:yugnar Posts: 766
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