LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

I dont know if its a concidence but...

Archive: 4 posts
2015-06-04 05:59:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
I noticed when I tried to play with Nerd i couldn't join him when just tapping on "Join" button.
But something weird happened. I was HOLDING untill he managed to get the request sent to him and guess what?
I did it. Try It; maybe it's a weird solution to weird online problems.

PS.I did it multiple times and it seems to work... huh...
2015-06-04 05:59:00
Posts: 333

2015-06-04 07:43:00 / Author: FreddyFerrari
nice trick Hope that is not just coincidence and that this does actually help some people
2015-06-04 07:43:00
Posts: 853

2015-06-04 08:14:00 / Author: nerd_dog
wouldn't it be crazy if this was the solution to all of the connectivity issues? i'll have to at least try this. it seems like a possibility (unlikely but possible) because Pan would have a very, very hard time joining me and it worked like a charm twice in a row last night.
2015-06-04 08:14:00
Posts: 1483

2015-06-04 09:07:00 / Author: Aye_Jaye13
Imma try this too!
2015-06-04 09:07:00
Posts: 76
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