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Archive: 2 posts
2013-01-02 03:03:00 / Author: piratebay87
I just got an email today from BestBuy telling me I had a redeem code for a digital product. I was thinking "why would I have a redeem code, its not like I earned something" and then I entered it in the PS store on vita and playstation and I got the rare pre order LBPV costumes! I was really happy. Because I got a vita for Christmas, I had no idea that the person who got it for me pre ordered it! That was really awesome, and now I have awesome costumes to show for it! I think I read somewhere that silver versions of my knight costumes would be released, but I'm not sure when. Here is me in my costumes . ( I only wore the girl ones to show you the costume -_- lol) |
2013-01-02 03:03:00
Author:piratebay87 Posts: 207
2013-01-02 04:56:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Oh great to hear! Enjoy your costumes
2013-01-02 04:56:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
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