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LittleBigPlanet Karting
Karting Discussion
Karting Kommunity : What would you like to see?
Archive: 2 posts
2014-02-23 11:15:00 / Author: Hyperdude53
Hey there fellow Karters!
Sometime soon LBPKarting is going to reach a whopping 200,000 levels! There has been a major increase in activity and I know there are very amazing and talented creators still playing the game, many of which are hidden gems! There is an itch on my forehead and I must ask, what would you like to see in LittleBIgPlanet Karting along with the community? No, no I am not talking about bug fixes and such - but something community driven such as forum events and etc.. LittleBigPlanet Karting has potential on its own, and it is a fun and enjoyable LittleBigPlanet game! The folks over at LBPCentral came up with some awesome ideas: Livestreaming of LBPKarting sessions Written tutorials and video tutorials (more basic tutorials recommended) Getting players to recommend more levels Giving more honest feedback on people's levels (praise the good note the bad) Check out their thoughts here: Let us know what you want to see! As a community together, we can make a huge positive change! |
2014-02-23 11:15:00
Author:Hyperdude53 Posts: 12
2014-04-16 11:21:00 / Author: sega42596
Sony should make the CP not the most played section >
2014-04-16 11:21:00
Author:sega42596 Posts: 5
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