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LBP2 Stuff


Archive: 2 posts
2014-02-19 20:08:00 / Author: dakrrs
I was thinking of a level that would include sackbots, but the thing is they become lethalized to match lethal material thus becoming immune to death. I'm wondering how I can do multiple lethalizations on one sackbot. It's just a a brainstorm.
2014-02-19 20:08:00
Posts: 561

2014-02-19 23:17:00 / Author: ???
Great idea for a level! You can try putting a three port selector with each of its wires connected to different danger tweakers (plasma,electric,fire)

I hope it helps!

Edit: I meant a selector with 4 ports so the sackbot can be un-lethalised
2014-02-19 23:17:00
Posts: 98
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