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Platformers need feedback
Archive: 3 posts
2013-09-04 00:23:00 / Author: Darkrodent
Hello everyone i have written this thread because i think i need to say that platformers need feedback but need some help yes, i am currently working on a platformer that i have been working on for the last month! and i understand how hard it is to make one its time consuming and it gets a bit boring sometimes when you don't know what to do next, thats why i am asking you Lbf community to leave positive feedback on levels that deserve it and, before you know it theses creators will have such good feedback that they start making more really good levels and, before you know it most of the LBP community will be made of detailed and artistic platformers and difficult and logical side-shooters and bye that time everyone will realise what a GOOD level is like dolphins-r-lame's cobblestone cove or jellybellyscout's AMC factory
2013-09-04 00:23:00
Author:Darkrodent Posts: 75
2013-09-04 03:45:00 / Author: deathmachine579
Im currently working on a platformer the progress is slow and I will probably spend 2 month s on it . but you are very right if we the community give positive feedback even if it s a bad level say what they could improve on like for example say it was good but you need better gameplay or better visuals. if we do that they might be confident on make in another level and they will keep doing that and they will be improving there levels. so we need to give positive feed back because when they are improving they might get team pick
2013-09-04 03:45:00
Author:deathmachine579 Posts: 113
2013-09-04 07:26:00 / Author: Darkrodent
Deathmachine you are so right
2013-09-04 07:26:00
Author:Darkrodent Posts: 75
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