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Project: Cosmos
Archive: 1 posts
2012-12-31 11:57:00 / Author: firewheel22
Not much to say about what in or what is the series, but i'm going to tell you about some of the features in the Biggest project DreamLovePlay has made for the community
(X)This project has 15 levels and 5 mini games in stronge. Plus, you can elther play Regular with your controller or play it with you PS Vita. (X)Meet new friends and foes in space of the cosmos, and help the space pirates break out the ultimate heist ever and find the lost princess to save the cosmos. (X)Play with 2 or more for the zany fun craftworld has to offer, Best for partys, Holidays, or Tank Day. A favorite that we like. (X)Just like the story from the Cross Controller Pack but this is squeal you'll never forget... Okay so that's will be in the project but i'm telling you who's making it okay we have... DREAMLOVEPLAY & SPEED RUNNERS Will tell you more for info about Project: Cosmos soon... |
2012-12-31 11:57:00
Author:firewheel22 Posts: 13
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