LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects
Grandure of Nol [LBPMORPG] Sign Ups available!
Archive: 4 posts
2015-08-10 00:58:31 / Author: cheese3323
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forums and I'm here to share a very ambitious idea, so please treat me kindly. What i'm creating in an expansive multiplayer RPG called Grandure of Nol. As of right now there are 5 realms and the main realm has 12 continents. I know this may sound crazy but bare with me when I say it's doable. Now I'll tell you about the game so if you're interested you know what you are getting into. What is Grandure of Nol? Well, Grandure of Nol is a free world where you are able to persue many different lifestyles. From a adventurer to miner or even a trader you are given quite a bit of freedom. You can create your own original character and feel as if you have an actual presence within the game. Chose from over 70 different species of fantastical creatures and live your life! The game will feature a nearly complete open world along with the ability to change the game for everyone via important events. A turn based and free hand combat system, 4 player party play, various main questlines and tons of side quests, great art and detailed landscapes for you to enjoy. One big feature this game prides itself on is trust and difficulty. The 1 life system will eject you from the game completely if you die and there is no suitable healer to revive you. This combined with the difficulty of the game makes even your minor achievements seem like marvelous triumphs. I'll stop there. The story of Nol In 2018, a group of children in the philipines stumbled across a large hole out in the forest. These brave and adventurous youngsters ventured down into the hole to see what was inside. There sitting in an underground cave was a gigantic arc like structure. Awestruck by this towering piece of stone, they made their way back to their village and alerted their parents. This blew up within the archeologist community and drew thousands to revel in the arc's untold beauty. When a man named victor suddenly triggered the arc with his inhuman blood, a lighy flashed and all manner of fantasy creature came flooding out. The humans were unable to stop them and the world was immediately thrust into chaos and war. It was a one sided battle. Humanity couldn't stand up to the magic of the invaders and eventually lost control of earth, becoming enslaved in the process. With earth lost, the invaders reshaped the planet using god like creatures called kings and renamed the planet. About 2000 years have passed since then and society has been rebuilt in their image. With various different races co-existing the world is in a time of peace.... for now. That's all folks This game is not public nor is it open to just anyone. You must officially apply to recieve your login information. This game contains drug references, blood, extreamly graphic gore and suggestive themes... plus violence. If you have any questions, contact me through the forums or directly via psn at cheese3323. The dev team working with me will also answer your questions. Thank you for your time. |
2015-08-10 00:58:31
Author:cheese3323 Posts: 2
2015-08-10 11:35:44 / Author: SR28
Sounds brilliant, an Intro level just for the story seems necessary, I think this could work. The many different races and their environments allows for a very diverse landscape.
Do you plan on putting anymore emphasis on the story once the player starts the level, does the player have a end goal? I'm on the PS3 system, I'm happy to help. |
2015-08-10 11:35:44
Author:SR28 Posts: 5
2015-08-10 12:50:52 / Author: cheese3323
Hello SR28,
In regards to both of your questions I hope these answers will suffice. 1) Do you plan of on putting more emphasis into the story? Ans) Yes i do, however it won't be in a way that you'd normally see with RPG's. Since the game is heavily based on player influence and how they interact with the world and each other, the main questlines I've written intertwine with one another. Allowing the players to feel like they're doing their own thing while collectively working to better their own lives. 2) Does the player have an end goal? Ans) I guess I kinda touched on the topic in my above answer. But there isn't a specific end goal such as defeating X boss or saving XYZ planet. You simply are to live your life and see what will become of you with whatever may transpire. Basically you set your own goals and try to reach them. Wanna own a large powerful kingdom? OK if you wanna do that that's fine. Wanna become the demon king? That's a valid goal as well. So it's entirely up to the player(or players if your in a party) on what you wanna achieve in this game. I hope these are good enough answers. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. |
2015-08-10 12:50:52
Author:cheese3323 Posts: 2
2015-08-11 16:52:13 / Author: nerd_dog
interesting idea. and welcome to the forums
2015-08-11 16:52:13
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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