LittleBigPlanet Vita
Far Away - Survival game [VITA]
Archive: 1 posts
2015-08-19 01:14:57 / Author: mdkd
I've got a new level I'm working on: Far Away - Survival game As you can see, it's a Survival game for LBP Vita. It's a endless game. Collect food and eat it to stay alive. Monsters will spawn at night and they will try to kill you. So be careful., what you do at night. I will add more features with the time. And actually the level/game is at the beginning. But it is WiP. Pictures will follow tomorrow. So stay tuned for all the progress I make. Between: Someone was asking about the updates at BWZ - Oh Russia! (VITA) Here I have the answer: - I finally found out, how to keep more guns at the same time - I found out how to change the 'ammo in magazine' display without any mistakes - I found out, how to deactivate the zombie slaps, while you're in the gun shop - I found out, how to activate a move-lock for the zombies, so that they can't follow you, while you're in the shop. Whatever, thank you guys for reading! |
2015-08-19 01:14:57
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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