LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Logic Help!

Archive: 4 posts
2015-08-22 11:47:59 / Author: jhonsiak
Hello! I'm not very good with logic so I'd like to ask something. On the minigame I am working on I want the game camera keep still even when I'm dead. Is it possible to do it? If yes, how? Thank you
2015-08-22 11:47:59
Posts: 1535

2015-08-22 13:25:00 / Author: Hanfi1311
That's only possible with a movie camera, if you die and there is no active checkpoint in the same view, the camera will keep still forever...
2015-08-22 13:25:00
Posts: 210

2015-08-23 20:24:20 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
@jhonsiak Depending on how your level is you can probably generate a fake death to keep the real sackboy in the camera you want. I do think a movie camera, as @Hanfi1311 says, would work but I would not recommend it. 
Try setting hidden spawn points or something so the person spawns in the vicinity.
2015-08-23 20:24:20
Posts: 416

2015-08-23 21:38:06 / Author: jhonsiak
Whenever I do that (adding hidden spawn points) the camera changes. How about making the standard zoom same with the game camera?
2015-08-23 21:38:06
Posts: 1535
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