LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

This isnt new

Archive: 17 posts
2015-03-10 12:46:00 / Author: 211Nickey
This is a argument that I constantly bring up, and I will bring it up again.

LBP3 is a buggy game, this is not NEW.

LittleBigPlanet 1 was a buggy game at launch, you couldn't glue bubbles to the floor without the level falling apart in play mode (it was patched almost a year later), the online barely worked and online creating wasn't possible because of that (2 years away). And overall, the LBP1 we have now is heavily patched and is stable.

LittleBigPlanet 2 didn't fare much better, with terrible online even today (disconnections every few minutes, it's impossible to join anyone, etc.) and at launch a few other issues such as profiles not loading once they hit a certain size, your pod being destroyed, the god glitch.

LBP Vita, even though it was made by different developers it was buggy too. According to some people it crashed a lot and had some bugs. I never played it, I'm just going off of others information.

LBP PSP, heh.

LBP Karting has even worse online and plently of bugs.

So please, when your calling LBP3 a buggy game, don't forget, LBP2 and 1 were just as bad. The patches will come soon enough.

Mm and Sumo are extremely talented dev's, their games just were released in buggy states.

It's just much more noticeable because 2014 was full of buggy releases. And now your putting LBP3 in the same class as those.

Also, people are ignoring the good parts of this game, acting like its a buggy mess all the way through and it's a trainwreck and it's the last in the franchise. No, the story mode is great, the soundtrack is great, the game looks great, the gameplay overall is great, the new characters, great.

I guess nostalgia for our precious Mm is just blinding everyone.
2015-03-10 12:46:00
Posts: 337

2015-03-10 13:03:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
The truth is here.
2015-03-10 13:03:00
Posts: 333

2015-03-10 13:15:00 / Author: CuriousSack
I only can agree with you!

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2015-03-10 13:15:00
Posts: 865

2015-03-10 13:58:00 / Author: Kid_code
yes these are true. to be honest I didn't have to many problems with lbp1 (probably because I got my ps3 and lbp1 after all the patches in about 2010) and lbp2 was perfection but seeing as I got that in about 2013 I was late so anyway... lbp3 would of been the best lbp game in existence if they didn't rush it for Christmas. it just feels that lbp3 is in a polished beta. but then again there will be patches sooner or later. right?
2015-03-10 13:58:00
Posts: 90

2015-03-10 16:50:00 / Author: dakrrs
This really is a good reminder. Thank you. I remember LBP2's slice n' dice tool crashing the game after an update.
2015-03-10 16:50:00
Posts: 561

2015-03-10 17:05:00 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
This is so true! Thank you, people need to know about this!
2015-03-10 17:05:00
Posts: 569

2015-03-10 19:40:00 / Author: 211Nickey
One of the worst LBP2 glitches introduced in a patch involved something so simple, something so mundane, and you know what that was? You couldn't move your head left or right if you weren't the host of a game.

Everybody freaked out, started calling Mm a terrible company and stuff. It lasted for a while.
2015-03-10 19:40:00
Posts: 337

2015-03-11 00:16:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
It was a thing?! Thank god i always buy games some time after release. Buying them on day one isn't a good thing even if you really want it because you can be dissapoined.
2015-03-11 00:16:00
Posts: 333

2015-03-13 15:02:00 / Author: HoustonAP
Your arguments are pretty good. Except the fact youre comparing it to all the other games' buggy releases makes it worse. This means the the devs didn't learn from the past to not rush the game, or have a longer testing period. I personally wasn't a fan of the story mode, but to each their own.
Anywho, the rest of your argument is pretty solid.
2015-03-13 15:02:00
Posts: 40

2015-03-16 16:15:00 / Author: Fox
There's really no excuse about the bugs after 5 months. I do agree that everyone over-reacted in the beginning, including me. LBP3 still shouldn't have been released at such an early state, though. They rushed it to the shelves for the Christmas season, and they paid for it. When a game glitches every time you try to connect to an online player (this has been fixed by now) or constantly corrupts your profile, it definitely shouldn't be released. Think about it. These developers had to have tested the game before releasing it and encountered these bugs while playing. No point in releasing the game early for Christmas if the kids actually can't play it on Christmas Day.
2015-03-16 16:15:00
Posts: 211

2015-03-17 10:14:00 / Author: 211Nickey
Actually, it was released in time for black friday, but I get your point.

Most of the bugs if not all of them happen to people who create levels, and people who play community levels. They most likely just play tested the story, as that in my experience is the most stable thing in the game.

But the thing is, on Christmas day nobody could play online because of the PSN outage...
2015-03-17 10:14:00
Posts: 337

2015-03-17 10:35:00 / Author: ExphyL
I never got a LBP game at launch I thought sumo screwed up and LBP3 will be like Sonic Boom, a game we where hyped for but it's a buggy mess.
But LBPK (Which I pre-ordered) Was boring but I found no glitches
2015-03-17 10:35:00
Posts: 5

2015-03-17 11:44:00 / Author: Indomitus1973
Speaking as a former coder, I just want to point out the devs themselves have very little say in the time they get to turn out a product. That comes from Sony and Sumo execs in this case. The devs can only work with the time and budget they are given, and sometimes that means they have to choose what gets fixed before it ships.
2015-03-17 11:44:00
Posts: 75

2015-03-17 20:40:00 / Author: nerd_dog
@Indomitus1973 yes. a very good point. and as a beta tester, I can say that yes. they did fix a lot of those bugs. strangely enough, new bugs were in the final product but i'm sure that's not unheard of.

and I like lbp3 a lot right now. I've learned, and came up with a few tips and tricks to workaround some of the bugs. I can say that personally, i'm enjoying it. but yes.. they do need to fix things. but keep in mind that they are probably given limited resources to do this like @Indomitus1973 said.

Sumo really does want this game to be good. it makes them money if it is. and I do believe that many of the people at Sumo truly wanted to make a great game. and I think they did... they just had to give us the ruff draft due to limited time.. and yea nickey.. they had three years apparently. that doesn't mean that the production was managed properly. and I still believe they could have benefited from more time.

I personally like lbp3 a lot.. and i'm not a veteran to the series. I have no idea what lbp1 or lbp2 was like when they first released. but from my experience, lbp2 was buggy as hell.. and still very enjoyable. I think people have a right to opinions. and if they don't like the bugs in lbp, that's fine... but why can't they work with what they do like? it might take some creativity to do so, but I've seen people make some great things without their dlc and everything. just.. relax. there's no point in dwelling on the issues when you can usually work around them.
2015-03-17 20:40:00
Posts: 1483

2015-03-17 21:50:00 / Author: 211Nickey
You can see that there was effort put into this game, it's not half assed. It just has a few major bugs.
2015-03-17 21:50:00
Posts: 337

2015-03-18 00:14:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
It's quite stable now.
It feels like LBP2 with lots of DLC... pretty much.
2015-03-18 00:14:00
Posts: 333

2015-03-21 13:10:00 / Author: Ayneh
For the sake of accuracy:

* You could play levels in LBP1 fine, there was simply no online create.
* The god glitch wasn't present at launch for LBP2.
* The 10 MB profile bug carried over from the LBP2 beta and was the first thing patched.
* LBP Vita and LBP Karting, while in the same franchise, weren't developed by Mm. It doesn't make sense to say those games represent nostalgia for Mm.
* Repeating the same argument constantly doesn't make it true.
2015-03-21 13:10:00
Posts: 152
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