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LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects

The Legends - CLOSED BETA

Archive: 2 posts
2016-04-01 22:59:23 / Author: Gionator23
Hello everyone,

I'm creating a game that it's going to call "The Legends".

The Legends characteristics: 

-It's a MOBA. (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)
-Can be played with 2 OR 4 players (1x1) or (2x2).
-Top-down Versus Game.
-Different Characters to play with.
-Characters with different spells and interactivity.

So, I still creating the level, but before posting the full version of the level, wich will probably be updated to add more legends and create activities, I want to publish a CLOSED BETA, so people can give me feedback on what to improve or possible bugs.

I would like to encourage you to participate in the CLOSED BETA.
As the name says, only a certain amount of people will have access to it, so if you want to participate, let me know replying.

(You must be PS4, so I can add you and send you the sticker key).

(If you're PS3 and want to participate, give me Ideas how I could send you the sticker.)

(For those who don't know what MOBA is, SMITE, PARAGON and DOTA are MOBAS. Search google for it.)
2016-04-01 22:59:23
Posts: 18

2016-04-06 20:38:14 / Author: pokitaruu
I would like to participate!
2016-04-06 20:38:14
Posts: 2
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