LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

PS3 to PS4?

Archive: 2 posts
2016-04-10 10:09:31 / Author: bzr242
Hi folks,

just one question (with a bit of explanation):

My PS3 is getting really old, It's become slow and lagging and keeps crashing a lot. Now we got a PS4 for xmas, but I haven't used it much, for I mainly play LBP3 and mainly for creating, and started a lot of projects on the PS3. I now have the chance to get LBP3 for PS4 for 5€ from a friend, who doesn't play it.

But: I have played through LBP1 and 2. I got about 99% of the first content and 80% of the second plus a lot of DLC.

Now, I presume, you will keep your DLC-stuff, when you switch platform, but what about collected items and materials and stuff from the first two games? I like them. I use them in my creations a lot. Will they be gone, if I switch to PS4?
2016-04-10 10:09:31
Posts: 47

2016-04-10 10:34:27 / Author: Hanfi1311
You should get all materials from LBP1 and LBP2, only tutorial prizes are missing...
You will not get the DLC prizes, you have to play them again on PS4 (for free)...
But for both, DLCs and tutorial prizes, there are community timesaver levels, where you can get them easily...
Only problem are summerpack, winterpack etc, because they are only available at the right time...
2016-04-10 10:34:27
Posts: 210
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