LBF Music
Meet The Musician
Hi! again
Archive: 3 posts
2016-04-12 10:44:31 / Author: Addictex
So, I introduced myself as a new member back in 2013. I realized many musicians also have a topic here, so I figured I'd do the same
I already wrote some stuff about me in my introduction topic, so I guess I'll just write about my music here. Let's not complicate lifeĀ PSN: Addictex About my music: There's no special genre I'm sticking to. I like to vary from all genres and do music for all kind of scenery. So yeah, that's that. I usually start with the music and then create a level for it based on the music track. I know that's pretty weird, but I like to do it that way Sometimes I do write some music for the level afterwards though. I write most of my LBP music in real life on a piano It's not always easy for me to come up with something in-game, so I simply write my music on a real piano, record some stuff, put it together, make up ideas and then copy the song in LBP. Obviously I add some sounds or parts of a song in LBP because it's all pretty basic on the piano and not everything sounds good 1:1 when you do it with the music sequencer. Have a nice day |
2016-04-12 10:44:31
Author:Addictex Posts: 86
2016-04-12 19:19:53 / Author: DeKa1357
Welcome to the LBF Music section!
2016-04-12 19:19:53
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2016-04-12 19:39:18 / Author: gurren009
Welcome, again, to LBF lol!
2016-04-12 19:39:18
Author:gurren009 Posts: 617
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