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Let's make a... proposal.

Archive: 19 posts
2016-05-16 23:15:34 / Author: Sparky-Gaming
So, obviously everybody hates me by now, but really, I don't care. I still find it funny that the LBFMusic profile has me blocked on PSN. However, I have a... suggestion. 

I'm sure Brezzy and Nerd are reading this, so I'll make this clear. My birthday is June 4th, the first Saturday of June. If I am able to make two VERY different songs and impress both Breezy and Nerd, you guys must unblock me on PSN, and feature me in the level for June.

If you do not accept, then really, I'll just think you guys are completely irrational, nonnegotiable, unintelligent, and not doing your job properly as LBPMusic managers.

I'll have a level up when both songs are completed, cheerio...
2016-05-16 23:15:34
Posts: 50

2016-05-16 23:45:53 / Author: Toastrz
Back at it again, eh? I'll be honest, I actually laughed out loud in real life when I saw this.  How egotistical can you be? You're trying to bargain your way into a showcase (which you've said in the past you don't care about since it doesn't get as much attention as you arrogantly feel you deserve) and your leverage is that you won't think very highly of the managers if they don't abide?

You have done far too many stupid and conceited (albeit amusing) stunts to try and garner attention to inflate your thirsty ego.  You're acting like this is some sort of negotiation.  You've screwed up time and time again as the mods and managers continually tried to be reasonable with you.  If everyone else can have a good time and enjoy the music, why do you feel the need to make everything worse? Seriously, get over yourself.
2016-05-16 23:45:53
Posts: 143

2016-05-16 23:50:05 / Author: Sparky-Gaming

k bro, this wasn't directed to you, but it still means that you yourself are irrational, nonnegotiable, and really just need to do something other than stalk this website.

Pretty much all I'm trying to say is go choke on a kumquat. Now, go be someone elses problem.
2016-05-16 23:50:05
Posts: 50

2016-05-16 23:57:55 / Author: Toastrz

k bro, this wasn't directed to you, but it still means that you yourself are irrational, nonnegotiable, and really just need to do something other than stalk this website.

Pretty much all I'm trying to say is go choke on a kumquat. Now, go be someone elses problem.

In the span of three sentences you did nothing but prove my point.  The fact of the matter is that you're on a forum.  Anyone has the right and reason to reply to your thread.  If you want to direct something specifically at the mods, use private messages.  You called me nonnegotiable, but like I said, getting your music into a showcase that you've openly said you don't care about (even though your relentless wagering to get showcased implies otherwise) isn't a negotiation.  At this point, absolutely nothing you do will redeem yourself.  You passed that point long ago.  I'm pretty sure even you yourself realize at this point that you're being desperate and petty, you just don't want to admit it to yourself.

The managers and mods have tried so hard to be reasonable with you, but you're deaf to anything that doesn't make it sound like you're some suppressed, unrecognized genius of a musical artist.  I'll repeat what I said because I've ran out of ways to get it through your skull: get over yourself.
2016-05-16 23:57:55
Posts: 143

2016-05-17 00:02:59 / Author: Sparky-Gaming

k bro, this wasn't directed to you, but it still means that you yourself are irrational, nonnegotiable, and really just need to do something other than stalk this website.

Pretty much all I'm trying to say is go choke on a kumquat. Now, go be someone elses problem.

k bro, I'm not wasting my precious time with you. I have some masterpieces to make. Excuse me, pawn...
2016-05-17 00:02:59
Posts: 50

2016-05-17 00:07:28 / Author: Toastrz

You're a pretentious 14-year-old who thinks you're amazing.  For your sake, I genuinely hope you grow up.  Go spend your precious endless hours of free time making your self-proclaimed "masterpieces."  This isn't about your music, it's about how abhorrent your self-absorbed behavior is.  You know, I was half-joking in my first post back in your original thread about how you've displayed unseen levels of pompousness, but I think I actually mean it now.  You've broken barriers in internet history, and in the worst way possible.
2016-05-17 00:07:28
Posts: 143

2016-05-17 00:15:26 / Author: Sparky-Gaming

k bro, like I said, I don't care about what you have to say, especially when it's in that manner. As you can see, I'm avoiding talking to you. Why? Because if I do so, you'll just provoke me into just cursing left and right. I went about making this post in a halfway-friendly manner. Then your irrational monkey had to come over here and disrupt everything. You think you're proving anything by typing paragraphs? No, and most certainly not affecting me whatsoever. Now, leave me be and maybe you can actually meet the mature side of me.
2016-05-17 00:15:26
Posts: 50

2016-05-17 00:55:42 / Author: Toastrz

k bro, like I said, I don't care about what you have to say, especially when it's in that manner. As you can see, I'm avoiding talking to you. Why? Because if I do so, you'll just provoke me into just cursing left and right. I went about making this post in a halfway-friendly manner. Then your irrational monkey had to come over here and disrupt everything. You think you're proving anything by typing paragraphs? No, and most certainly not affecting me whatsoever. Now, leave me be and maybe you can actually meet the mature side of me.

So let me get this straight.  You say you're leaving so you don't waste your "precious time" and then still reply to me with a post saying you don't care to reply to me? Do you not realize how backwards that is? Regardless, nothing about your post was sincerely friendly.  You were just trying to put up a front in an effort to help your terrible "proposal" to work.  You still don't seem to understand the concept or the countless flaws in what I hesitate to call your logic.  Even if I didn't say a word, nobody would have given in to your baseless demands.  Do you really think you'll succeed with the method of pathetic blackmail? I've tried repeatedly to meet the mature side of you, but I've come to the decision that you have no mature side, just a poorly deceptive one trying to act in a persuasive manner.

You're a conceited 14 y/o with an unbelievably inflated ego in your own music.  You clearly like the attention considering your new signature, but at the same time, your posts all reek of insecurity.  Try being actually mature and work out your own problems before trying to act like unrelated issues are the cause.
2016-05-17 00:55:42
Posts: 143

2016-05-17 01:38:05 / Author: Sparky-Gaming
Halfway done
2016-05-17 01:38:05
Posts: 50

2016-05-17 01:54:39 / Author: Toastrz

Make what you want, but I really hope you realize that none of the mods or managers give a crap what you, of all people, think about them and have absolutely no reason to accept your "proposal."  If anything, this thread will just be locked.
2016-05-17 01:54:39
Posts: 143

2016-05-17 07:02:11 / Author: ratalsoni(1)
ohmygod you guys are the worst. The only thing to come out of this is a new community level. Also more bad blood.
2016-05-17 07:02:11
Posts: 39

2016-05-17 10:36:21 / Author: Sound Friction
It's funny to see how stupid people are.
2016-05-17 10:36:21
Sound Friction
Posts: 437

2016-05-17 17:00:24 / Author: Hanfi1311
Deleted the discussion, please read the forum rules... Be friendly... Both... toastrz and sparky-gaming... thanks...
2016-05-17 17:00:24
Posts: 210

2016-05-17 17:08:34 / Author: t567y-
I just played your gallery and I actually really like your music. I dont like your personality tho but you are a teenager, everything sucks when you are a teenager. Try to calm down a bit and if something doesnt go how you wanted it to go just be cool and wait. It may happen later.
2016-05-17 17:08:34
Posts: 71

2016-05-17 18:44:39 / Author: kubac2000

Just as he says. You need to be more respectful to others. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just how it is. I had that problem as well and eventually after I broke up with my girlfriend I realized how I went up so selfish. If everyone hates you (which is not exactly true tbh) then you should think for a while what you've done wrong, what you can do better.
2016-05-17 18:44:39
Posts: 329

2016-05-30 05:21:19 / Author: Sparky-Gaming
As of now, I am streaming the second song I am making, come join if you's like:
2016-05-30 05:21:19
Posts: 50

2016-05-30 08:38:15 / Author: Sparky-Gaming
Alright nerd and Breezy, here you go...
2016-05-30 08:38:15
Posts: 50

2016-06-08 00:00:12 / Author: nerd_dog
i wont be the one to unblock anythin after reading all this
2016-06-08 00:00:12
Posts: 1483

2016-06-08 01:13:17 / Author: nerd_dog
lol.. i can read all the deleted posts. WHY WAS THIS DELETED THIS WAS GOLD?????
2016-06-08 01:13:17
Posts: 1483
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