LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet Vita

New platformer project [UNFINISHED]

Archive: 1 posts
2016-05-27 06:25:28 / Author: mdkd
Hey guys, I am having a new project. It is a apocalypse platformer, which is really short right now. At the moment you can play it with 3 other players, but in the future it will be 1 player only, because there will be a playable character named Joseph. 

In the full version you will have a mission: Find a building, which played a role in Joseph's life. There you'll find something special. Between the start point and the target you will meet many other survivors with guns. They are not friendly. At the most time you have to shoot them, but sometimes there is a way to ignore them. You will also meet infected people. You have to kill them everytime.

Here is a picture of it:

I want your feeback! The full version should be great and every player should remember the level.

Here is the link of it:

Thank you all!
2016-05-27 06:25:28
Posts: 1856
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