LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3
Brainstorm & Projects

LittleBigPlanet Reborn (adventure)

Archive: 3 posts
2016-07-30 18:36:46 / Author: angelthegamer
Anyone remember 'The Journey Home'? Well what this adventure is about is LBP1 levels with a new fresh coat of paint, so every theme will have a LBP3 upgrade. But i'm not doing this alone, a project like this need some care, so my friends are helping me on this adventure, & man do I have to say they can make beautiful stage designs and decorations. I will not recreate the gardens and the weddings because 'The Journey Home' already did those themes. I will tell more about this adventure the more my friends and I create it, in the meanwhile, what are some LBP1 styled ideas that we could put into this adventure? It could be for any theme you want. Hopefully you guys like this idea, my friends and I are working hard to recreate that fun LBP1 feeling, and I promise this adventure won't be broken like my other LBP3 levels.
2016-07-30 18:36:46
Posts: 24

2016-07-30 18:42:14 / Author: Toastrz
This sounds good, but it's hardly an original idea. Remaking LBP1 story levels in LBP3 and even 2 has been done many times before.
2016-07-30 18:42:14
Posts: 143

2016-08-01 21:31:10 / Author: Tynz21
Instead you should just make a level about a mythical snake God that appears to a deranged drug dealer and tells him to rob the local 9/11 as the first step in a many part plan to allow himself entry in the world.
2016-08-01 21:31:10
Posts: 89
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