LBF Music
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Archive: 2 posts
2016-09-02 20:56:37 / Author: Pry
Hey, I've been making music on lbp since 2013 but I never uploaded anything. I'd be happy to start contributing to the music community on here.
My psn is perkinsp97j357 Was also wondering how I would submit songs for a lbf music showcase if I'm eligible. |
2016-09-02 20:56:37
Author:Pry Posts: 2
2016-09-03 10:51:23 / Author: sackboy206
Welcome to the Forums Pry! Great to have you here. Looking forward to seeing your work!
Sadly, I'm not exactly sure how your music can be featured for the LBF Music Showcase. I think you either have to publish a level or make a post with your music. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge on the Music side of this Forum can help you |
2016-09-03 10:51:23
Author:sackboy206 Posts: 84
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