LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Bunkum Lagoon stuck at 99%

Archive: 4 posts
2016-11-18 21:40:21 / Author: JCP-1988
Hello everyone!

I'm having an technical issue with the game. 

I've completed it, all aced, all items, including the stores. It took me a while to figure out why it won't progress to 100% 
but I think I've found the answer... 
There's a not existing fourth item upon level completion from "The Great Escape".
Unfortunately, everything I've tried to solve it didn't do any good (trying on diff account, reinstalling the game completely.)

I've tweeted it to @LittleBigPlanet a few days ago, but they are not answering me, so I was hoping someone on here might have the answer, or perhaps have exactly the same problem.
Surely, I can't be the only one having this issue.


(Screenshot is in Dutch but the images say enough, I guess)
2016-11-18 21:40:21
Posts: 2

2016-11-19 07:29:25 / Author: Hanfi1311
A friend asked the same long ago, we checked both the story mode items in the german version, my story level only had 3 items for acing and his version had 5 items for acing the same level, and of course he couldnt get these 2 items, because there are only 3... maybe I can find the screenshots later... I asked Steven, but got no answer, why there are different versions of story mode items... I know, they added some items (missing backgrounds) later with a patch and you had to complete the levels again to get these items, maybe caused this problem...
2016-11-19 07:29:25
Posts: 210

2016-11-19 08:38:22 / Author: Psmerga
I experienced same problems. (Also german version)
After visiting free collectable levels it went to 100%.
If i remember correct, i visited the levels of hf-miles.
2016-11-19 08:38:22
Posts: 373

2016-11-19 14:26:21 / Author: JCP-1988
Everywhere I look on the web it says its supposed to be 3. . Makes me wonder if they didn't just remove an item from the level to adjust it back to 3 rewards. but somehow messed up my game..

I've also tried searching finding  hf-miles with no success, but someone had copied the level. Unfortunately it doesn't work properly. So I'm still not sure if anything in there will work.
I've tried several other unused/glitched item level, which didn't work either. But it did make my poppit puzzles go to 107% ??? 
That tells me that these numbers are indeed adjustable by glitched items.
I just have to find the right one to fix my game, I guess.

2016-11-19 14:26:21
Posts: 2
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