LittleBigForum Archive

How I became an LBP-er

Archive: 6 posts
2014-04-28 16:31:00 / Author: FlammableWhale
So last week, no, two weeks ago I decided to put down the didgeridoo (it's an instrument google it) and buy a PlayStation 2. Soon after my Brazilian jiu jitsu instructor informed me that the PlayStation 2 is "so last gen, girlfriend." Imagine my remorse. Imagine my envy. I scraped the gold flakes off of my toilet paper holder for some extra cash. PlayStation 3 here I come. I could see it in the GameStop window. Oh baby, looks so scrumptious. But alas, that's when they attacked. Ninjas, no, not ninjas, pirates. Yes, pirates, that's right. They thought they could take over GameStop. Then I said, "It's a chain of stores! You swine!" Imagine their sense of defeat. Do it. My outburst led to my nomination as their captain. Now I wanted to go home and play some LittleBigPlanet 2 (it's a video game google it) but why pass up an opportunity as big as this, ya feel me? So I joined them, out of sheer boredom. After I conquered the Middle East and overthrew the Canadian Separatist Army (and those damn Nazi hunters) I then sat down in my jewel-encrusted, authentic bean bag chair hand-sewn by my personal Chinese child slave workers and popped that LittleBigPlanet 2 disc into that slot hole. Oh what a glorious feeling it was. Imagine my excitement. Imagine all of it.

Just kidding I'm new and I'm gonna publish a level soon, I love you all.
2014-04-28 16:31:00
Posts: 5

2014-04-28 16:59:00 / Author: GooeyGhost
I don't think any of us have a clue how to respond. Welcome I guess...
2014-04-28 16:59:00
Posts: 401

2014-04-29 13:32:00 / Author: R-V-2-0-1-3
Awesome intro! Now that's what I'm talking about - if you heard what I was talking about (You should have been there) I was talking about the exact same thing your intro talks about. Crazy, I know. I saw you at Gamestop!, that was you!?
2014-04-29 13:32:00
Posts: 95

2014-04-29 13:35:00 / Author: deathmachine579
2014-04-29 13:35:00
Posts: 113

2014-04-30 09:11:00 / Author: Caseythesackboy
Welcome!! Awsome intro, Really cool imagination !
2014-04-30 09:11:00
Posts: 45

2014-04-30 12:07:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Hey! Welcome! Enjoy browsing our forum
2014-04-30 12:07:00
Posts: 1670
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Posts: 37945 • Threads: 4847 • Members: 3878  • Archive-Date: 2019-04-15


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