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Feeling nostalgic
Archive: 5 posts
2017-05-25 22:14:16 / Author: Psmerga
While watching this, i had to remember about LBP1. |
2017-05-25 22:14:16
Author:Psmerga Posts: 373
2017-05-26 07:18:02 / Author: DeKa1357
This is awesome! I love it. Now I want to see this in LBP.
2017-05-26 07:18:02
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2017-05-26 08:09:57 / Author: mdkd
Reminds me of that game, what was it called? Crazy physics?
I have played co. levels in lbp1 that made something similiar like that. The creator made a few parts of it. |
2017-05-26 08:09:57
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2017-05-27 10:38:27 / Author: Psmerga
I was thinking about how to solve it, but i am sceptical if there is a way to make it work properly. First choice would be the follower. But the follower cancels the gravity. If you tweak the follower that it works only in x axis, it wouldnt work properly for upward movement. I am also not sure how to make magnet rope. How would it behave ingame? I am rather curious to see a real cool flipper in LBP. People could uce rail for interlayer movement. The only interesting thing to solve would be the bumper. I have seen somwhere a pinball where you could climb in it like in the tower between different sections. This could be awesome. To bad that i am bad at creativity. |
2017-05-27 10:38:27
Author:Psmerga Posts: 373
2017-05-27 13:17:24 / Author: kubac2000
You could try the Force Chip, set the power to low value. I've never actually used it really, but in this case it might be useful.
2017-05-27 13:17:24
Author:kubac2000 Posts: 329
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